I Bollori, hypothermal spring

Energetic landscapes, springs and thermal waters

Before flowing into the Elsa River, the torrent Casciani is accompanied by signs of the action of man, who has used its waters for centuries. Some ruins of mills, sluice boxes, gore, charcoal pits, mule tracks… and even an industrial bottling line and the springs of an old aqueduct.

The Bollori are located in an area with a high concentration of thermal waters. It is a pool of water at 23° C, made turbid by the presence of clay. In the past, local people used them for baths and the treatment of dermatological diseases in domestic animals.

The surrounding gaseous emanations contain hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide and minor gases. Gaseous emanations and tepid water still flow from an old exploratory well nearby.

The thermal baths that give Gambassi its name, occur in nature throughout the entire territory of the Parco Benestare, a naturalistic area between Gambassi and Montaione. In addition to the valley floor of the Casciani stream, mention should also be made of the Luiano mineral spring, which was tried to be marketed in the 20th century, as its medicinal properties were known. In the valley bottom of the Rio Sanguigno then springs the Pillo salsa water, the same water used by the thermal establishment di Gambassi.

Fr additional information about Parco Benestare, please contact the tourist information office in Gambassi or join your friends from the Greenbassi Association and take part in one of our weekend excursions.